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was that about?
I was sort of worried.
Sort of?
Well, who am I going to have sex with if you get yourself killed?
Such bravado. Just call it what it is, darlin . Love. I see, so all of this is about sex?
Ainslie nodded, seemingly happy to go with that explanation. Yes. You re awfully
good at it.
Nothing to do with love maybe? Ramsay smiled at the audible gulp from Ainslie.
Oh yeah, she loves me. The thought made him feel more powerful than ever.
I m, um, well, I like you a lot and&
Her hands went to her hips in defense. What d you want from me?
Everything. He reached over and secured her hand in his. Come with me.
Where? Ainslie wasn t about to move.
Ramsay tugged her hand until she stumbled against him. You need to relax. His
arm slipped around her waist to hold her close.
You sound disappointed. That she needed him as much as he needed her was more
exciting than winning the lottery. Money came and went but love was a constant.
Well, I thought
That we d have sex? He moved them along toward the bathroom. Oh yeah, that s
the plan. Ever had sex in a bath? The though of all the soft, shiny wet flesh bouncing up
and down against his body made Ramsay s cock jerk in anticipation of that first sweet
thrust. It s very relaxing.
* * * *
There s water all over the floor, James Bond. Ainslie was astride Ramsay s thighs,
her hands wrapped around his cock in the warm, foamy water.
So? Ramsay massaged her soapy breasts.
Damn, that feels good. Well, I ll have to clean it up. I hate cleaning. It s not
relaxing. Ainslie gave his cock a gentle pull to get his attention.
Darlin, I will clean and cook and do whatever I have to do to make you happy.
That sounded like every woman s dream. A man who was not only sexy but able to
understand the way to a woman s heart was through doing the domestic chores. Really?
Is this a dream? The cock in her hands felt real, but in her experience anything this
good was often not real.
Ramsay leaned in and kissed her. Climb on board and you tell me.
As much as Ainslie wanted to, she couldn t. Small er, big problem. No condom.
One day, maybe it wouldn t be an issue, but right now it was. I don t suppose you have
one in your jeans outside? She pushed back from him, letting go of his shaft.
Yeah, I do.
Can you summon it forth by magic? Leaving the warm relaxation of the bathtub
was not something Ainslie was keen to do.
So we get out of the bath.
I really, really want to have sex in a bath.
Ainslie gave an over-the-top dramatic sigh. Never mind.
Oh man. Ramsay scrambled up. Water went everywhere. His foam-covered cock
bobbed frantically. Stay here.
Ainslie smiled. This was fun. She had a man who was so hot for her that he would do
anything she bid. I could get used to this. She lay back and looked at Ramsay. Ainslie
made sure her breasts were exposed. She liked the way Ramsay swallowed hard when he
looked at them. Nice to see I m not the only one out of control. Hurry back. She
watched as he ran carefully over the tiles. His bare ass made her lick her lips. What would
that be like to bite?
The sound of Ramsay running through the house over the polished bare floorboards
was only halted for a moment by frantic swearing. Ainslie could just see Ramsay trying
to find the condom and keeping what was left of his control in check. She heard him
running back to her.
I stubbed my toe. He hurriedly worked the rubber over his shaft.
Poor baby.
I expect you to kiss it better.
Ainslie moved to the side of the bath. Come here. She leaned over and kissed the
condom-covered tip.
That s not my toe.
Thank goodness, as you d have a hell of a hard time finding shoes.
Ramsay stepped back into the bath. Water sloshed everywhere. You are going to
drive me mad. He sat down and tapped his thighs. Come here, darlin .
Ainslie was more than ready to suck hot cock inside her body. She lifted up over
him, then pushed down, sighing as the heat penetrated up and into her. Oh&
Ramsay caressed her back, pulling her closer. See how good we are together?
This doesn t get you out of cleaning up the water. She moved up and down in a
leisurely plunging motion. Ainslie wanted him slow and deep.
He had other ideas. Ramsay grabbed her hips and started to move her faster. I can t
hold on much longer.
The real James Bond would have more control. Secretly she was thrilled he was
out of control for her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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was that about?
I was sort of worried.
Sort of?
Well, who am I going to have sex with if you get yourself killed?
Such bravado. Just call it what it is, darlin . Love. I see, so all of this is about sex?
Ainslie nodded, seemingly happy to go with that explanation. Yes. You re awfully
good at it.
Nothing to do with love maybe? Ramsay smiled at the audible gulp from Ainslie.
Oh yeah, she loves me. The thought made him feel more powerful than ever.
I m, um, well, I like you a lot and&
Her hands went to her hips in defense. What d you want from me?
Everything. He reached over and secured her hand in his. Come with me.
Where? Ainslie wasn t about to move.
Ramsay tugged her hand until she stumbled against him. You need to relax. His
arm slipped around her waist to hold her close.
You sound disappointed. That she needed him as much as he needed her was more
exciting than winning the lottery. Money came and went but love was a constant.
Well, I thought
That we d have sex? He moved them along toward the bathroom. Oh yeah, that s
the plan. Ever had sex in a bath? The though of all the soft, shiny wet flesh bouncing up
and down against his body made Ramsay s cock jerk in anticipation of that first sweet
thrust. It s very relaxing.
* * * *
There s water all over the floor, James Bond. Ainslie was astride Ramsay s thighs,
her hands wrapped around his cock in the warm, foamy water.
So? Ramsay massaged her soapy breasts.
Damn, that feels good. Well, I ll have to clean it up. I hate cleaning. It s not
relaxing. Ainslie gave his cock a gentle pull to get his attention.
Darlin, I will clean and cook and do whatever I have to do to make you happy.
That sounded like every woman s dream. A man who was not only sexy but able to
understand the way to a woman s heart was through doing the domestic chores. Really?
Is this a dream? The cock in her hands felt real, but in her experience anything this
good was often not real.
Ramsay leaned in and kissed her. Climb on board and you tell me.
As much as Ainslie wanted to, she couldn t. Small er, big problem. No condom.
One day, maybe it wouldn t be an issue, but right now it was. I don t suppose you have
one in your jeans outside? She pushed back from him, letting go of his shaft.
Yeah, I do.
Can you summon it forth by magic? Leaving the warm relaxation of the bathtub
was not something Ainslie was keen to do.
So we get out of the bath.
I really, really want to have sex in a bath.
Ainslie gave an over-the-top dramatic sigh. Never mind.
Oh man. Ramsay scrambled up. Water went everywhere. His foam-covered cock
bobbed frantically. Stay here.
Ainslie smiled. This was fun. She had a man who was so hot for her that he would do
anything she bid. I could get used to this. She lay back and looked at Ramsay. Ainslie
made sure her breasts were exposed. She liked the way Ramsay swallowed hard when he
looked at them. Nice to see I m not the only one out of control. Hurry back. She
watched as he ran carefully over the tiles. His bare ass made her lick her lips. What would
that be like to bite?
The sound of Ramsay running through the house over the polished bare floorboards
was only halted for a moment by frantic swearing. Ainslie could just see Ramsay trying
to find the condom and keeping what was left of his control in check. She heard him
running back to her.
I stubbed my toe. He hurriedly worked the rubber over his shaft.
Poor baby.
I expect you to kiss it better.
Ainslie moved to the side of the bath. Come here. She leaned over and kissed the
condom-covered tip.
That s not my toe.
Thank goodness, as you d have a hell of a hard time finding shoes.
Ramsay stepped back into the bath. Water sloshed everywhere. You are going to
drive me mad. He sat down and tapped his thighs. Come here, darlin .
Ainslie was more than ready to suck hot cock inside her body. She lifted up over
him, then pushed down, sighing as the heat penetrated up and into her. Oh&
Ramsay caressed her back, pulling her closer. See how good we are together?
This doesn t get you out of cleaning up the water. She moved up and down in a
leisurely plunging motion. Ainslie wanted him slow and deep.
He had other ideas. Ramsay grabbed her hips and started to move her faster. I can t
hold on much longer.
The real James Bond would have more control. Secretly she was thrilled he was
out of control for her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]