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Chapter Nine
Gina took two steps into her new home on Redwood Pack land and didn t feel the urge to run
away. That was something, at least.
It had been two weeks since she d mated with Quinn, and she still didn t know what she was
doing. Sure, she saw him every day, but it wasn t like they talked about how they were feeling.
How was she supposed to do that when she didn t know what she was feeling herself? On one
hand, she hated the fact that they d both only mated to protect a boy who couldn t protect himself.
On the other, she couldn t help but want the man who had taken her and bonded with her. When
she looked under the layers of hurt and pain, she saw the man he had once been, or at least the man
she could admire and crave now. He wasn t a bad man, a bad wolf. No, he was loyal, fierce, and
innately stoic. Yet those outer layers had hurt her and prevented him from ever feeling for her the want
she needed in a true bond.
She was just so freaking confused, yet she couldn t stop and think about it. There was too much
to do. The council had come back together, and while they tried to ignore the fact that their leaders
were now mated, it was hard to do.
She and Quinn hadn t told anyone why they had mated, and most people thought it was because
they wanted to, because they loved one another, not because of the true reason. Only her family and
Quinn s friends had guessed, but she hadn t told them the truth.
She didn t want people to judge her or even Jesse for her decision. After all, she d mated for the
life of Jesse, not for love. She d been the one to make it, so now she was the one who was going to
have to live with it.
The council was working hard with the maternals and sentries to make their plans for having the
two Packs work together actually happen. Gina hoped everything worked out and that the moon
goddess gave them a break, but she honestly didn t know anymore.
It didn t help that she had no idea what to say to Quinn. They talked work, Pack issues, and
Jesse, but that was it. They didn t talk about feelings or emotions, but she didn t think they could yet.
Their bond was still too fresh, too new. She could feel him on the other side of the bond as well as
her wolf could, and it scared her. If she looked too closely, she might get burned, and she couldn t
afford that.
So, the council was well on its way to hopefully being helpful, she and Quinn were studiously
avoiding talking about big issues, and thankfully, Jesse seemed to be getting better.
She ran a hand over her heart and let out a breath. That little pup was already turning out to be
the light of her life. He d accepted her as Quinn s mate surprisingly fast. He was still a little shy
around her and called her Gina, but it was more than she could have ever asked for. They were
learning each other much like she and Quinn were learning each other. In fact, Quinn and Jesse were
coming over to the den later that day so they could all bond. Or at least try to. It was weird going
about things so differently than most wolves, but she would find a way to make it work.
At least Jesse was getting better. He didn t have that much more energy than he had before, but
between the bond and what Hannah and Walker had done, he wasn t getting tired like he used to. She
hoped that meant he was well on the way to being mended.
She didn t live with them, but she did see Quinn and Jesse daily. It was hard to see them and not
fall in love with them. That was one thing she promised herself she wouldn t do, yet she knew that
might be futile.
She was bonded to that family, and now she was going to start bringing that family into her den.
Her plans for moving in with Brie were over because she was a newly mated woman now who
needed a place of her own. When Jesse was ready, he and Quinn would become Redwoods and move
in with her. She hadn t wanted to bring them over now because Jesse needed to be at full strength
before he cut his bond with his Alpha, and she didn t want to live with them among the Talons
because she wasn t a Pack member.
It was all really confusing, and honestly, she felt like nothing was ever going to be okay again if
she thought about it too hard.
She d given up a chance at happiness, at least that s what Quinn had told her. Did she really
believe that though? Would she have ever found another mate? Some wolves never found mates and
were forced to find other ways of making a mating bond or a future. She had a mate. One that fate had
picked. It was just that Quinn hadn t wanted her& at first.
Now he seemed to be okay with her bloodline and who she was, but she couldn t trust that,
could she? See? So confusing. One day it would all make sense because if it didn t, she wasn t sure
how she d be able to function. As it was, she knew she wasn t at full speed.
Others gave her the benefit of the doubt because she was newly mated, but that wasn t it. She
wasn t tired because she was up all night having glorious sex with Quinn. No, she was tired because
she couldn t sleep since he wasn t there. They didn t even sleep under the same roof. In fact, other
than that first night, she and Quinn hadn t made love again. She knew he was giving her space, but
now she felt unwanted.
Apparently, her wolf and her brain were going crazy because she honestly didn t know what to
do next beyond trying to make it through the day.
The first step would be to make her new, small house on the Redwood Pack land her home.
Their home.
She just hoped she was making the right choices because there was no turning back now.
When she d told her parents that she was ready to move out, both of them looked like they
wanted to say something but had held back. They weren t pushing her out, but they wanted to keep her
safe somehow. She knew they were worried about her, but there was nothing she could do. Instead,
they helped her find a small cottage on the edge of the Jamenson area of the den and let her live her
life. The fact that they supported her and helped her when she needed it meant more to her than them
voicing their concerns. They had the same ones as she did, so there was no point in worrying over
things she couldn t change.
Finn and her dad had helped her move in some of the antique furniture they had in their storage
units. Some had belonged to her grandparents while other pieces had belonged to her birth parents. It [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
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